Demo Content

This page serves as a gateway for prospective clientele to gain insight into our educational platform. Our objective is to provide a glimpse into the array of features and benefits our portal offers, thereby enabling potential customers to ascertain its value and discern how our software can enhance their operational efficacy and educational endeavors.

Why Use the Education Portal?

Why Use the Education Portal?

Since 1976, the Utility Solutions Division of inHANCE has been offering software for water and sewer utility billing. Through our education portal, we aim to provide our customers with an additional perspective on our products. Our utmost priority is the satisfaction of our customers and their proficiency in using our software. We believe that knowledge is empowering, and with this power comes enhanced efficiency. Click below to view the trial videos. After clicking the link, you will be directed to a page containing all our content. The videos available for demonstration are those located in the "my library" section.